Seahorse Publications Seahorse Publications

After this Rain


Mairi Jack


Mairi was born and raised in Motherwell.
She had a mostly unhappy school life, but attended Langside College  after leaving school and gained a place in Glasgow University where she studied English Literature. She had been an avid reader as a child and at University she developed a lifelong love of literature and poetry. One of her lecturers was Edwin Morgan who she admired greatly and was delighted when one of her poems was included in ’The Centenary Collection’ to mark what would have been his 100th birthday.
Mairi had a career in Journalism becoming Women’s Editor at Paisley Daily Express. She went on to work as a teacher supporting children with special needs. Despite a long-term ambition to pursue creative writing, this did not materialise until later in life when she finally joined an inspirational class and workshop run by Dr. Linda Jackson. Much of the work contained in this collection is the result of a surge of creative energy unleashed by these classes and the friends which she made there.

She would have been proud of this book, and it is a wonderful legacy for her family and friends. 

Book available Sept 24th 2024.

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