‘Siren Calling’ is a collection which explores embodied landscapes, both external and internal. Whether Linda Jackson is evoking ‘red-gold’ Uluru as it ‘pulses with colour’, the ‘chalice of iced sunlight’ which a glass transforms to, or to the potter’s kiln which recalls and replaces the flames of a war-torn country, all of them are alive with the sense of what it is to be human.
In this fine first collection of lyric poetry, Goldie explores the contrast between the urban experience - the ravages of post-industrial economic decline, and the liberating, rugged landscapes of Scotland, with a range of precise imagery and deft phrasing that examines the complexities of both, and the relationship between them.
We also glimpse tender family vignettes, which are all the more moving for being set against this wider historical backdrop.
Rhythm is deployed with great skill, and underscores time’s relentless onward movement in Conachair (‘Saint Kilda’s screaming cliffs and stacks,’) and in Sligrachan (‘the screams of ghosts from empty yards/through the pulsing heart of that great city’)
A very impressive debut indeed.
(A Breckenridge, poet)
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This anthology has poetry that considers a Cause in its Time, the time of Covid 19 and what time itself may mean NOW.
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'Essays, poems and biographical writing from the most respected of Scottish writers, the late Janet Paisley celebrate and illuminate the range and depth of her art.' (Anne Donovan).
£10.00Add to basket
If you want your poetry as a lulled accompaniment to whatever you happen to be doing - don't read Jo Gilbert. If you like your Doric couthie and couth, paired with a wee sepia photo - don't read Jo Gilbert. But if you need poetry that makes you 'Get aff that fuckin horse. Now!' , and opens your 'kohl clarted eyes' to garr ye greet and laugh aloud...then read Jo Gilbert. And what a titular poem. Three lines, punching hard with every word. What a debut.
(Beth McDonough, writer)
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