‘This is a collection by four women poets: Linda Jackson, Donna Campbell, Tracy Patrick and Lesley Benzie writing about travel and dreams…Each journey is memorably significant to the speaker and evoked in sharp and striking detail.’
If you want your poetry as a lulled accompaniment to whatever you happen to be doing - don't read Jo Gilbert. If you like your Doric couthie and couth, paired with a wee sepia photo - don't read Jo Gilbert. But if you need poetry that makes you 'Get aff that fuckin horse. Now!' , and opens your 'kohl clarted eyes' to garr ye greet and laugh aloud...then read Jo Gilbert. And what a titular poem. Three lines, punching hard with every word. What a debut.
(Beth McDonough, writer)
£10.00Add to basket
Invisible Cities 'This collection suggests a presiding intelligence which has seen to the welcome exclusion of the wasteful and sentimental.' (Tom Leonard) Includes work by Janet Paisley, Pat Byrne and Sheila Templeton.
£8.00Add to basket
'Essays, poems and biographical writing from the most respected of Scottish writers, the late Janet Paisley celebrate and illuminate the range and depth of her art.' (Anne Donovan).
£10.00Add to basket
'Memories of a wonderful writing retreat', 'AN emotional and inspirational trip to picturesque Barga through time, poetry, art, photography and villas. Researching families was one of the highlights for me after visiting one of their homes.. And then Pascoli's house? How could we not be inspired?'
This book contains a number of the original English poems translated into Italian, and will be launched in Barga, Italy on September 28th in La Capretz. Piazza Salvi at 7pm.
£7.00Add to basket