Glasgow: Historical City. A vibrant anthology of the dear green place.
Donna Campbell’s first collection may be called ‘Mongrel’ but it is purebred poetry. Her use of words, especially in the Glaswegian vernacular, combine with images to form brutally beautiful poems about aspects of life that less fearless poets might shun. (Lesley Benzie, poet)
£8.00Add to basket
'Memories of a wonderful writing retreat', 'AN emotional and inspirational trip to picturesque Barga through time, poetry, art, photography and villas. Researching families was one of the highlights for me after visiting one of their homes.. And then Pascoli's house? How could we not be inspired?'
This book contains a number of the original English poems translated into Italian, and will be launched in Barga, Italy on September 28th in La Capretz. Piazza Salvi at 7pm.
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In this fine first collection of lyric poetry, Goldie explores the contrast between the urban experience - the ravages of post-industrial economic decline, and the liberating, rugged landscapes of Scotland, with a range of precise imagery and deft phrasing that examines the complexities of both, and the relationship between them.
We also glimpse tender family vignettes, which are all the more moving for being set against this wider historical backdrop.
Rhythm is deployed with great skill, and underscores time’s relentless onward movement in Conachair (‘Saint Kilda’s screaming cliffs and stacks,’) and in Sligrachan (‘the screams of ghosts from empty yards/through the pulsing heart of that great city’)
A very impressive debut indeed.
(A Breckenridge, poet)
£9.00Add to basket
New collection by three women poets, Linda Jackson, Donna Campbell and Lesley Benzie. The women are travelling in Europe this year with the book so have some of the poems translated. 18 new poems in this edition.
£12.00Add to basket